To those taking the JLPT on Sunday, 1st December 2024:
We hope that your preparation for the exam is progressing well. We look forward to welcoming you at the test site. As usual, the test site is Kenya Utalii College (along Thika Road).
For a smooth exam process, please note the following:
1. All examinees must arrive at the venue by 8AM.
2. Carry your test voucher AND an identification document such as your national ID or passport.
Note: PDF Applicants will be with issued their test vouchers at the reception upon arrival. Additionally, if you did not get your test voucher from your teacher, it will be issued to you at the test site.
3. SIT WHERE YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER (as shown on the voucher) is displayed. Be sure to enter the right classroom.
4. Any act of CHEATING in the exam will lead to automatic disqualification of the examinee involved.
5. The use of programmable watches/smart watches is PROHIBITED. Use a simple watch for the exam.
6. Electronic devices should be SWITCHED OFF during the exam. Any sounds coming from electronic devices will lead to disqualification of the owners.
7. Follow all instructions given by the proctors.
8. All exam protocols are expected to be over by 2pm.
We also highly urge you to be very careful about your own security on the day. Avoid displaying your electronic devices while walking.
On behalf of the JALTAK team, I wish all candidates success in the exam.
Gambatte kudasai!
Njeri Kagema
JALTAK Chairperson